Crown’s MultiPure Degumming/Neutralizing system provides flexibility when degumming oil for storage, sale or physical refining or to neutralize oil in chemical refining. Residual soap in the neutralized oil may be reduced by either water-washing the oil or by using special sorbents and filtration, and temperature and retention times can be adjusted as the oil or its quality changes.
Crown’s neutralizing processes include two-stage neutralizing, which is neutralizing followed by water-washing or reaction with special sorbents; or three-stage neutralizing, which is when water-washing or reaction with special sorbents follows two neutralizations, or when a single neutralization is followed by two purification steps using either water-washing, reaction with special sorbents or a combination of the two. A third process, cold neutralizing, is used on specific oils and combines neutralizing and winterizing or dewaxing into a single process.
- Designed for optimum quality output and maximum yield, with minimum energy consumption
- Flexible system design that can be used for a variety of degumming and neutralizing processes
- Water-washing or special sorbents used to reduce the residual soaps in the neutralized oil
- Minimal wastewater generated when special sorbents replace water-washing
- Atmospheric reactor with variable retention time and agitation for optimizing both degumming and neutralizing processes
- Temperature control for each step of the process
- High shear variable speed mixer for intensive mixing of oil and reagents
- Conditioning reactor to ensure maximum precipitation of nonhydratable gums