The Crown Down Draft Desolventizer (DDD) is ideal for temperature-sensitive products where strict control of residence time is required. The gentle motion minimizes breakage of soft or irregularly shaped products.
The DDD is also ideal for larger particles that require extended residence times for drying.
Utilizing the concepts of shallow bed depths and multiple bed turnovers, the DDD is compact in design and offers an indirect heating system for desolventizing white flakes for high PDI or NSI meal.
- Gentle handling throughout the process produces a final product with a maximum amount of whole flakes and a minimum amount of fines
- Low capital investment
- Lower installation costs
- Low installed horsepower; less than 20hp for a 100-ton-per-day system
- Plug flow minimizes variation in residence time
- Higher attainable PDI than with conventional systems
- Minimizes breakage of material where you want size and shape to be maintained
- Compact design takes up less floor space
- Uses low-pressure indirect steam to safely drive off hexane vapors
- Flexible operation; fine-tune the system for the ideal combination of PDI, residual hexane and steam consumption